Vol. 16, April 2009
Welcome to our latest Around the Traps as we prepare for our first encampment since last September. Finally the summer heat has dissipated along with those hot northerlies and the constant threat of bushfires. The days have turned mild and the nights are cool enough to sleep under your Hudson Bay blanket or a buffaloe robe, while the smoke from the campfire wafts on the evening air. “Kettle’s on the boil…!”
Some of us are just bursting to rendezvous with mates, set up a canvas shelter and shoot a little black powder. Remember all those choice meals cooked on glowing red coals, and then washed down with hot coffee followed up with some apple pie for dessert and the yarn of a mate? Do I have your attention?
May 2nd & 3rd Longhunters autumn turkey hunt at Bernard’s Cache, Highlands-Caveat.
The first weekend of May starts around Friday the 1st when we can start arriving at Bernard’s Cache in the Highlands. We’ll camp on the Painted Pony Plains again and stay on until Monday 4th to make a decent break of it. Well, it has been six months since we gathered at a Trappers camp. “Don’t you go to Rondyvoo no more?”
Turkey huntin’ will be the theme of the weekend. We gave tips in the last news that turkey hunting was growing in popularity, whether you be Eastern Longhunter or Western Mountain Man, and that you should practice your turkey calls and rifle skills. And aim small! It sure is gonna be fun alright with all that gobble, gobble going on.
Please note: Annual subscriptions now DUE (at 31st March). Same low rate of $20 per adult member. Not payable at Rendezvous’-Please forward your cheque or money order direct to our Treasurer – Murray Convey, 2806 Colac / Ballarat Rd, Dereel 3352.
Events Calendar
May 2nd & 3rd Longhunters autumn turkey hunt at Bernard’s Cache, Highlands-Caveat.
Plan now – 5th Annual Winter Quarters Rendezvous June 6-8th Queen’s Birthday holiday weekend at Bernard’s Cache, Painted Pony Plains, Highlands-Caveat.
Can you believe it? We challenge our camp craft for a 5th winter in the highlands. We’ve had cold winds and rain squalls, and threatened snow. But mostly we’ve had warm sunny winter days, green mountain meadows, crystal clear water in the stream, and ample firewood for all; cool clear starry nights for burning the logs, chewing the fat and telling stories; strawberry jam and apple pie, it doesn’t get any better than this.
But I haven’t even mentioned the knife chuckin’, the trapping and shooting challenges. Oh, never mind, just expect to burn a little black powder, or several hornfuls, your choice; we warrant you lots of fun times that you’ll be talking about for years to come.
August 8th for Colonials – a Ned Kelly Heritage Market tent display, Beechworth.
Police paddock behind the Old Beechworth Court House. 9am–4pm, a one day only publicity display. Dress early Colonial – similar to the Gold Rush event of Easter 2008.
Sept 19th/20th thru to 26/27th Primitive Rendezvous at Beaver Creek, Whorouly.
November 28th & 29th a Time Line Camp, at Campbelltown, Tasmania.
Donning their Longhunter attire and persona, Paul Sly and Jeff Clarke had moderate success on the duck opening using their muzzle loading flint Trade guns. A Blackie and a Teal, while short of bag limit, are certainly a nice feed and good sport.
Hits of the week: Beaver Creek Blues from the album The Phenomenal Ruthie Foster; and a full twenty-six weeks in d’Real Top 40 – “My Tent’s nearly Dry – and that’s it hanging in the Shed” by Murray Mocha-Zyn, front man of Jimmy’s Four Stroke Band.
The photographs featured in this edition were taken by Kevin and might all have been lost in the devastating fires if not for a back-up copy held by the editor. Thanks Kev!
Following up our President’s article on this subject (Vol. 14) we quote a brief page from none other than Lt. Col. P. Hawker from his “Instructions to Young Sportsmen in all that relates to Guns and Shooting”, 5th Edition 1826 London.
“Nothing contributes more to filling the bag than the disposal of this apparently trifling concern; insomuch, that an old musket, with a touchhole put in by a clever mechanic, would beat a gun, with all the new improvements, if this important part of it were left to the job of a bungler.
Touchholes of platina are considered the best, as those of steel are apt to collect rust, and one of gold is more liable to blow out, and, therefore, will not admit of being made so thin; consequently (from requiring to be thick), does not shoot so sharp; for the thinner it is, the quicker will be the firing of the gun.
The touchhole should be countersunk; and, to get at it, for this purpose, the solid breechings have a screw directly opposite, which (although in those of Mr. Manton scarcely visible) is easily taken out and put in again.” (Italics as per original text.)

Bushfire aftermath – the daunting task of clearing the ruins of Kevin & Robyn’s garden ornament factory.
Dave Doran cartoons
Years ago subscribers to Muzzleloader magazine enjoyed the regular cartoons drawn by Dave Doran. Our President loved the chuckles so much he collected copies for the walls of his workshop. The topics are mostly evergreen to Buckskinners as Mountain men Lonesome Louie and Fast Freddy bumble through life.
Anxious to again share Dave’s humour we approached Bill Scurlock of Muzzleloader magazine for permission to reprint these great gags. Bill had lost touch with Dave but provided us his last Canadian address. Our letter of request to Dave at that location remains unanswered whilst use of the internet search engines also failed to find him.
Bill’s sanction was on condition that we acknowledge that the cartoons first appeared in Muzzleloader magazine and we feel sure that Dave would be delighted his work is still appreciated and enjoyed here down under. We’ll feature them from time to time.

(Lonesome Louie and Fast Freddy first appeared in Muzzleloader magazine.)