Vol. 4, June 2007 1 response already
A back-slapping welcome to this short edition of Around The Traps. This brief is primarily to advise you that we have now selected the new site for our Winter R’voo. Committee members initially discussed three entirely new sites, plus the possibility of returning to our previous spot if such suitable arrangements and permission could be obtained.
Our final choice was a beautiful creek bank setting known as Bernard’s Cache, and is just a short morning’s wagon ride from last year’s rendezvous. The location is blessed with a permanent source of clear fresh water, albeit a stream one can easily step over. An abundant supply of firewood is available for the cutting.
A tattered map, rough drawn with a blunted quill is attached to your newsletter. If not, it is because you have either not yet joined the Free Trappers, and or, have not yet indicated that you wish to attend this event. You can be assured that directions to a top secret Cache such as Bernard’s are not handed out indiscriminately.
This will be our “best ever” rondivoo, and the fun will continue regardless of weather!
Contributing articles most welcome. All correspondence and enquiries to John Fowler 252 Pini Lane, Mudgegonga 3737. Email chookster@vfowler.com Tel. 03 5753 4455.
Nota bien – This activity is on private land, therefore membership subscriptions and insurance fees must be paid, and current, prior to attending. There are a number of farm gates to negotiate and, as usual, these are to be left as found. All farm machinery and implements, equipment, parts or materials (regardless of age or apparent condition) remain the private property and a lifetime collection of our host, and are not to be tampered with.
Our usual R’voo signs will lead you across the wilderness. Signs will be in place on Friday morning 8th June, and camping may continue until Tuesday 12th June.
As previously, our invitation for Queen’s Birthday weekend is not to be construed in any way as an open invite to visit this property at any other times.
Challenges at Winter Rendezvous
Club President, Ian Convey has some great ideas to share with us all regarding activities and events for Saturday 9th. Ian will outline his plans on the morning, and the whole day’s activities will be evaluated progressively. Are you ready?
As mentioned last issue we will be conducting a Blanket Shoot, and all persons are requested to fetch along a suitable item to place on our blanket. A suggested nominal modern-day value of suitable items is $5 – $15. However, all items should be in the same spirit of Primitive Rendezvous and of Primitive trade blankets.
As said previously, this event has many winners – actually, Everybody is a Winner! Yes, everybody takes a prize back to his camp, perhaps even your own item if you like it so flaming much.
Ian is our elected Booshway for the day’s event and no amount of bribery will change his decisions, or so he says. (Hint – apple pie, apple pie)
2007 Free Trappers Calendar of Events
June – Sat 9th, Sun 10th & Mon 11th. 3rd Annual Winter Rendezvous.
Queen’s Birthday holiday weekend. Highlands – Vic Roads map 61, J3 & Map 62, A3 for general area.
June 30th – July 15th School mid year holidays, two full weeks Rendezvous (or just do the weekends), at Gunbower Ponds. Check Vic Roads map 21, G8 for general area.
(Note – There has been no response to conducting this rendezvous so close behind our Annual Winter Voo. We will review the running of this event at our Camp Meeting on Saturday 9th June. Keen to participate? – Notify any Committee member – promptly.)
September 22nd- October 7th School holidays, 2 full weeks (or just do the weekends), at Buff Bluff – Whorouly. (Take the Snow road from Glenrowan – Map 49, B2)
(Note also – We choose our event dates to align with the Victorian school holidays, therefore we cannot help it if these dates clash with other activities, either on any individual’s calendar of events or with other clubs programs.)
Mountain Man’s Apple Pie
This one is an old “Oregon” recipe for making cheap booze more palatable, especially useful when a Trapper was wooing one of those plenty women of Popo Agie fame. According to Ian Convey it works best if allowed to steep a day or two, so planning well ahead is recommended.
Start off with sufficient cheap booze for the task. This could be whiskey, rum, brandy or moonshine, whatever is preferred or that can be gotten. Pour half into a pannikin and mix together with some apple juice in a proportion depending upon taste, but not too heavy with the apples as to have a sobering effect.
Blend together 1/3 teaspoon nutmeg, 1/3 teaspoon cloves, and 1/3 teaspoon ground cinnamon and add this spice concoction to the juice/booze mixture. Shake or stir vigorously, then let stand for a day or two, strain and it’s ready to drink. Don’t forget the original plan requires you to share your apple pie.
The other half of the cheap booze should be squirreled away for a “hair of the dog” the following morning. If you were lucky you might have to share again, says Ian.
Diary Notes
During a lull at the quill and ink processor, one evening, I decided to knock up a batch of this Mountain Man’s Apple Pie. Now you’ve all just read how the main ingredient is cheap booze. There’s a problem already – where to get cheap booze? I immediately thought of Big Red’S Turps Werks, but Red’S distillery is tucked away in a mountain gully and a whole day’s ride away. Further more, Booshway Joe Walker said that he would drink plain ol’ crick water rather than Red’S turps. I eventually settled the dilemma with a not-so-cheap very commercial Trading Post store-bought brandy, but decided I would economise with a reduced batch size.
Followed the President’s instructions down to the 48 hour wait, too bad, there’s no one about now for the sharing. Oh, get on with it. Say, this isn’t too bad, I’ll just pour another wee dram, Hmmn, and I’d better test it properly so as to write a fair dinkum evaluation. Much later! Hey, look at me; I’m dressed for the day already, better mouthwash with a hair of the dog. Oh, what a beautiful morning!
Next issue – Where to get apple juice up on the beaver ponds? Plus – Dick Schwer has comments to add on preparing beef jerky and the like. And oh, have you sent your favourite picture to the editor? No need to be shy and ya’all get tired of me asking! Well, till then, remember – Happiness is sharing your apple pie, and a warm barrel!
Around the Traps Tattler
Seen on TV wearing some futuristic 21stC “suit of clothes, with neck tie” – one Mountain Man known hereabouts as “Prickle”. Our Chris Thorne was one of three winners of this year’s Dame Phyllis Frost award. This award recognises an outstanding individual or group contribution to the principles of the Tidy Towns program, and is named after the Keep Australia Beautiful founder, Dame Phyllis Frost.
In a media release – “Chris is a Koori representative on the Benalla Indigenous Reference Group, and a key part of the Typo Station program as well as the Indigenous Gardens at Moira Reserve. He is passionate about preserving Aboriginal heritage and very keen to get young people involved in the process and have them take pride in their community.”
“Chris spends a day talking with the youths who attend the five-week course run at Typo Station. The program aims to give troubled young people the opportunity to build resilience, initiative and life skills for a positive future. Chris talks about indigenous culture including how to make and throw a boomerang.”
Our sincere congratulations on this award go to Prickle. Heard also that Prickle is currently exhibiting his artwork quite successfully, but let’s not steal all his thunder.
Out of the media limelight, ol’ Woodsy Runner told me that Bob “Wounded Knee” Ellis has done a grand job of sewing up two canvas “outhouses” for personal comforts at Rondyvoo. At last, somewhere private to sit and think! – All thanks to Bob.