Cannon Mike from the USA shares a few pics from cannon shoots and of an Eastern Oregon rendezvous of a couple of years ago. Lately, Mike prefers to play with cars and meets many Aussies and Kiwis at the Bonneville Salt Flats each year.
Jim (Sloe Bear) Douglass wrote “We are in a deep freeze up here, -20F and dropping. Cache Valley is a long narrow valley that opens to the north and is mountain locked on the other three sides. When we get a low pressure over us it pulls in the cold and it can’t get out. We just plunge downward! Right now the weather guesser says we are in for at least another week to ten days of this below zero stuff. I guess I’ll stay indoors by the fire and work on my gear.”
As follow-up to our Vol 42 newsletter, West Australian Terry “Red Dog” Weston forwarded these photos of the replica tall ship HMB Endeavour. “We of the Perth Muzzle Loading Club and especially the 1800 Royal Marines re-enactment group, together with the Endeavour Foundation, were there to witness her launch back in 1993 – with lots of musket smoke and mayhem.” See Terry’s additional comment in Vol 43.